You may know that dental care offers a comprehensive umbrella of coverage, providing you with just about everything you could ever need to keep your smile in excellent condition. However, when it comes to understanding what to expect from general dentistry, things may become a bit fuzzy. Does this refer to every single type of dentistry, you may wonder? As a matter of fact, this area of dental care prevents problems that may negatively affect your smile and supportive structures. Fortunately, by learning more about general care, you will find that we can easily keep your oral health in optimal condition, and reduce your risks of requiring complex restorative dental care.
Clean Teeth And Gums
First, we focus on keeping your smile looking beautiful and feeling comfortable as a facet of general dentistry. We offer six-month preventive checkups, so we may monitor your oral health and detect problems immediately for effective treatment. We also remove plaque from your teeth with dental cleanings, cleaning away the plaque, tartar, and debris that brushing and flossing alone cannot address. Keeping your smile plaque-free promotes a smile free of tooth decay and gum disease.
Protection From Oral Disorders
General dentistry also focuses on keeping the structures that support your smile free of problems – surprisingly enough, this includes your ability to breathe comfortably while you sleep. Consider the following:
- Bruxism and TMJ Treatment: Our general dentistry will treat teeth grinding (bruxism) as well as TMJ problems (jaw joint concerns), so your entire oral cavity functions smoothly. Noninvasive oral appliance therapy will help.
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment: The position of your jaws, soft palate, and tongue may contribute to loud snoring or sleep apnea (consistent sleep interruptions). Therapy similar to that offered for TMJ and bruxism will promote long-term comfort.