Discovering that dental bonding can repair minor damage to your teeth, while addressing other small imperfections, is quite exciting. Small spaces that interrupt the uniformity of your smile, chips that become eyesores, and isolates stains that you cannot remove on your own can all be improved with this single cosmetic treatment. However, that does not mean you don’t have a few worries regarding what to expect from bonding. Let us reassure you by providing responses to some common concerns, so you can begin your smile improvement journey ASAP.
Worries and Responses: Dental Bonding
Your Worry: I’m going to have to go in several times for cosmetic dentistry visits until my smile looks better.
Our Response: Bonding is effective and quick to complete. You will probably only need to see us one time to achieve the esthetic improvements you desire.
Your Worry: The dental bonding will make my smile look so much better – but it probably won’t last very long.
Our Response: The life of your bonding treatment relies primarily on your upkeep. Remaining dedicated to brushing and flossing, as well as scheduling twice-annual preventive care visits will keep the area in good shape for as long as ten years. You should also avoid bad habits like teeth grinding or nail biting.
Your Worry: I love the benefits associated with dental bonding but I probably won’t be able to afford it – cosmetic treatments are always extremely pricey.
Our Response: The price spectrum is a broad one with dental bonding falling on the most budget-friendly end. Speak with us for a plan tailored to your particular needs.