Have you decided that dental bonding the cosmetic dentistry treatment for you? If so, you must be dealing with issues that require simple yet effective coverage (such as of a tiny crack), you may wish you could replace some missing tooth tissue, or you might have a gap between your teeth that you find unsightly. Fortunately, becoming familiar with what you can expect from the treatment is easy – bonding is convenient, comfortable, and efficient.
First, Expect A Consultation
To begin, we will need to schedule a visit with you to see your smile, ask you questions about what you would like to improve and achieve, and perform a quick exam. If you are having problems with breaks or cracks that require serious care, we will make suggestions for restorative treatments. However, if your needs are strictly cosmetic in nature, we can then determine whether dental bonding is the best solution or if an alternative option will offer the smile change you want.
Then, Expect A Simple Procedure
Once we agree on dental bonding, we will move forward with the procedure. After simple prep to clean the affected tooth or teeth, we will apply the composite material (synthetic acrylic resin) to the site that requires improvement. We may then shape the layers of this moldable material to re-sculpt or fill damaged areas or to cover up issues like stains.
Finally, Expect Beautiful Results
To complete your dental bonding visit – which typically requires just one appointment – we will set the composite with the use of a curing light. The hardened material, which is customized in color to blend with your smile, will then be polished. The finish will appear seamless and natural.