When you lay out the building blocks that make up optimal dental hygiene, they include your brushing and your flossing. When you begin examining the details that distinguish between decent care and expert level care, it’s often a matter of adhering strictly to the guidelines (and adding in any extras that can bolster your ability to get your smile very clean). Is this a bit too cryptic? Let’s explore the specifics, so you can really protect your oral health.
Don’t Use Your Brush In Place Of Floss
About adhering to the guidelines: We encourage you to brush as we suggest and to floss as we suggest. If you attempt to cut corners (perhaps you suddenly think it might be effective to try to wriggle your toothbrush between your teeth in place of flossing), the results will be reflective of those choices (to be more specific, they won’t be good results). Keep your dental hygiene exceptional by following the rules.
A Water Flosser Adds Extra Benefits
Brushing and flossing are the keys to your dental hygiene. However, if you’re curious if there’s anything additional you can do to really protect your teeth and gums, there is: Add a water flosser to your sessions. After you floss, use water to diminish any last bits of plaque or food particles that may be hanging around.
Do Everything Gently
The be-all end-all of making sure you’re making an expert level attempt at dental hygiene? Do so with a gentle approach. Otherwise, your hard work will crumble if your technique is too hard. Gentle brushing and flossing is the best choice every time.