Tabletop Gaming Club

boardgamesDo you miss the simpler times when people lifted their faces from their electronic screens and actually talked to one another? Remember playing board games on rainy days because it was too bleak to play outside? If you’re looking to rekindle this feeling and experience, this may be just the event for you (and for your tweens and teens, too).

What Is This?

This is the Tabletop Gaming Club. You can expect to meet up with other gamers who are interested in games like board games and card games that focus on themes like fantasy and science fiction.

Where Is It?

This will take place at the Keller Public Library in the Story Room, located at the following address:

640 Johnson Road
Keller, TX 76248

When Is It?

The next meeting will take place on August 12, 2015 at 5pm.

Who Is Invited?

Experienced and inexperienced gamers from 12 years of age and up are invited to join.

How Much Is Admission?

This is a free event.

Who May I Contact?

For additional information, please email the club director at