No, don’t worry, we’re not going to ask you to do any long division, calculus, or advanced mental math. What we are going to ask you to consider, however, is the fact that when you do the math regarding dental care, you will find it’s actually not as complex as it seems. While you’re in the depths of figuring out your oral health routine, when to see us, how often to brush and floss, and more, it can feel like you’re quite bogged down (but we can help with some numerical magic).
Do The Daily Count
One of the easiest ways to make oral health care seem less overwhelming is to break it down by a day-to-day experience. Instead of thinking about all the little details (and the big details), just simplify your life by thinking, “What are the basics?” We are happy to get you started with the following:
- Your Brushing: You need to brush two times. In the morning then at night. You need to brush for two minutes when you brush.
- Your Flossing: You need to floss one time. In the morning or at night (your choice). It should take a minute or two.
Consider Long-Term Numbers
Now you know what you need to do for your oral health on a daily basis (by the number). How about for the long-term? You have dental care visits you need to schedule, right? Let’s examine the numerical approach to your smile, so you don’t feel like you’ve lost your bearings:
- We need to see you two times each year
- Your two visits should be spaced out by six months (since there are 12 months in a year)