What is dental bonding, you think to yourself? Why is it offered? Is it right for me? When you begin asking yourself such introductory questions, it’s often a good idea to receive responses to the very common who-what-where-when-why mode of questioning. It will help provide you with a basis for understanding the treatment itself, while quickly gathering an understanding of whether you might make a good candidate.
Who is dental bonding a good treatment for? Well, it’s a good treatment for you if there are areas of your smile to which you would provide additional tissue (if you could). While we cannot replicate your natural tooth tissue, we can get pretty close with bonding.
We use composite to make your tooth look longer, to fill a gap between two teeth, etc. The composite is a material made up of synthetic acrylic resin, which looks quite natural. Fortunately, we can alter the color to your needed shade, so it blends with your teeth (or improves their shade).
We apply the composite directly to the target site on your tooth. We can then mold it into the desired shape or into a flat layer over your tooth. This is dependent upon your specific needs.
Dental bonding is a treatment you can choose to receive whenever you have decided you’re ready for your smile to look better. Remember that, just as with any cosmetic treatment, it is only something you may select if your smile is healthy enough to receive it.
Patients seek dental bonding for a smile that looks more uniform either in symmetry, by closing gaps between teeth, or fixing one problematic or gently damaged tooth.