When you first discover you may require sleep apnea treatment, one of your first thoughts might be the fact that you always assumed you were just a heavy snorer. Distinguishing between snoring and sleep apnea can become extremely confusing if you don’t know the difference between these related sleep disorders. Take a few moments to gain the clarity you need, so becoming familiar with what’s happening to you and how to best approach improving your nightly rest is simple and beneficial.
If It’s Snoring
If you’re experiencing excessive snoring, you may still benefit from sleep apnea treatment. In most instances, we provide gentle therapy that simply keeps your airways open throughout the night, so you may breathe and rest without interruption. However, snoring is not the same as sleep apnea. When you snore, the tissues in your throat are only partially supported (rather than fully supported) by your throat muscles. Your muscles have over-relaxed, which may occur as the result of a variety of contributing factors. When your tissues touch each other while you breathe in and out, they vibrate and create a sound. That sound … is snoring.
If It’s Sleep Apnea
If you suffer from sleep apnea, chances are good you are also known for your loud snoring. Why? Sleep apnea occurs when your throat tissues completely collapse against one another, leaving your throat and air passages fully obstructed. The partial collapse (snoring) often leads up to this full closure. The collapse, of course, prevents you from breathing. After some time passes, your brain recognizes you are no longer breathing and it urges you to wake up. You will wake up, quickly begin breathing again, and then return to sleep. This episode may occur multiple times (sometimes hundreds) each night. Fortunately, sleep apnea treatment will help you regain your natural, undisturbed sleep.