Where’d That Tooth Chip Come From?

The wonderful news is that if you suffer from a tooth chip, you will be able to recover from the issue with the help of cosmetic dentistry. We can improve the issue with either dental bonding or the gentle coverage of a porcelain veneer, so your tooth looks whole again. The frustrating issue lies in the fact that you might not know why you have a chipped tooth (or teeth). This becomes particularly annoying if it’s a reoccurring or widespread problem. Let’s examine some common culprits, so you have an idea of how to avoid additional damage in the future.

Eating Food That’s Too Hard

Yes, the outermost, protective layer of your teeth (which we know as enamel) is incredibly strong. However, it’s not strong enough to withstand the pressure of biting into food that your teeth are not constructed to break down. When you reach for something that’s hard as a rock, your teeth may give way to the pressure and chip (or crack or break for that matter). Make wise choices to avoid a tooth chip.

Functional Disorders

Another reason you may find a tooth chip (though this will likely yield widespread chipping) is due to functional disorders like bruxism or TMJ disorder. If you’re grinding or clenching your teeth, chances are high that chipping will eventually take place.

Bad Habits

There are, of course, other bad habits that may abound in your life and that may result in tooth chips. Consider anything you’re nibbling on as a habit and cut it out to protect your teeth.