3 Things You’re Getting Wrong About Sedation

relaxsandbeachHave you avoided talking with us about sedation dentistry because, though it sounds helpful, you’re pretty sure you won’t qualify? Have you heard rumors about sedation that lead you to wonder if your knowledge is factual or a bit mixed up? Rather than make any assumptions about this wonderful solution for relaxing care, we encourage you to consider a few things you might be getting wrong.


Dental Extraction Quiz

quizbubblesquareDoes your smile require a dental extraction for improved health? Perhaps you have been thinking about aligning your overcrowded smile and have been wondering if removing teeth is a possibility. Whatever the case, we have discovered that the removal of a tooth can seem very off-putting to patients until they learn about the details. Find out how familiar you are with extractions (and gain some added confidence in the treatment) with a simple quiz.


3 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Dentures

denturesupperlowerFor all of your good intentions when it comes to protecting your full or partial dentures, you may find that you end up with warped, damaged prosthetics. Unfortunately, if you are unaware of a few key factors, you may be doing more harm than good in an effort to keep them safe. Do yourself a favor and look over a few friendly tips, so you can make the most out of your tooth replacement solutions (and so they may continue to last).


Is A Dental Bridge Right For You?

dentalbridgewaterAre you on the hunt for the tooth replacement solution that will restore your smile while giving you something to smile about? Rest assured, you are not the only patient who has ever felt like there are so many options, you are not quite sure which one to choose. For those of you considering a dental bridge to address your tooth loss, we suggest you learn a bit more about figuring out whether a bridge is right for you.


Classic ‘80s Movie Event

movieticketpopcornAre you a huge fan of classic movies from the 1980s? Do you love seeing your old favorites on the big screen? If so, there’s no time like right now to gather up other enthusiasts and head to the movie theater for this upcoming event.


Reasons To Protect Your Crowns

dentalcrownshollowHave you been told that you need dental crowns to improve your oral health? Perhaps you have chosen to receive crowns as a way to address significant cosmetic damage when other treatments (like porcelain veneers) will not suffice. Whatever the case, patients sometimes forget that crowns – like natural teeth – require consistent care to remain in good shape, while performing their function of providing support, stability, and often beauty. Do yourself a favor if you are about to become a crown wearer and consider why it’s so important to protect these prosthetic teeth.


3 Things You Should Do Before A Root Canal

steps123primaryBefore you receive your root canal treatment – particularly if this is your first one (or first with our practice) – you may find that you feel a bit uneasy or anxious. This is quite common, even for patients who have had numerous good experiences with restorative care in the past. As a result, we suggest you follow a few suggestions for things you should do before you come in to see us for your scheduled visit. The goal, of course, is to ensure you have a wonderful experience.


Tired of Jaw Pain? Blame Your TMJs

tired of jaw pain-blame tmj disorderSome people simply deal with the discomfort, not sure if they should complain or seek treatment for it. Others, however, might not be able to ignore the pain of TMJ disorder, which affects your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and your jaw’s ability to function properly.

TMJs, which are the two large joints in front of each ear, are located close to your largest craniofacial nerve group, known as the trigeminal nerves. When the joints are swollen, dislocated, or out of alignment, they aggravate the nerve, making TMJ disorder the cause of chronic headaches, jaw pain, and a host of other symptoms ranging from mild to severe. (more…)

Misconceptions About Today’s Fillings

toothbluesideParticularly if you were receiving dental care when amalgam fillings were the standard treatment for tooth decay, you might find that you are unsure about the fillings of today. At our practice, we primarily offer tooth-colored fillings, which, unlike metal restorations of the past, are completely metal free. Composed of synthetic acrylic resin, today’s dental fillings offer multiple benefits that their amalgam counterparts do not. Curious about rumors you have heard, facts you thought you were certain of, and what’s really true? Learn more as we clarify some common misconceptions.


3 Myths About Restorative Care

mythfactchalkWhen it comes to suggesting restorative care to improve oral health for our patients, we often find that we are met with what seems like resistance or apathy. Because we know our patients feel strongly about keeping their smiles in excellent condition, we have thought long and hard about why certain individuals choose to postpone scheduling their restorations. For the most part, of course, the problem lies in the fact that patients commonly hear myths and rumors that make fixing dental issues seem daunting and scary. Allow us to shed some light on common myths, so you can feel comfortable, confident, and motivated about caring for your teeth.
