How much do you know about the effects of the energy drinks you throw back to get an instant hit of energy? Have you always assumed they’re fairly safe and healthy for you when compared with other beverages? Does the flavor, lack of carbonation, or some natural ingredients give you the idea that they’re in some way good for your oral health? Unfortunately, the short answers to such questions is: They’re dangerous. As for the reasons behind this, we offer the insight you’re looking for with a quiz.
3 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself
It’s very easy to get into the habit of making some minor assumptions and then convincing ourselves that they are the truth. Unfortunately, when you end up inadvertently lying to yourself, the result can be not so great for your oral health. The good news is that you’re probably on track most of the time, so you don’t have much to worry about. To help you do an even better job of avoiding such blunders, we offer a few untruths you should do your best to avoid, so you can keep your smile safe.
Q&A: Recognizing National Facial Protection Month
Are you aware that it’s National Facial Protection Month? If not, now is the time to take a serious look at whether you’re protecting yourself from facial injury. Are you wearing protective gear when you play sports? When you rollerblade? When a helmet is essential, you should wear one. When a mouthguard is necessary, make sure you’re wearing it! Need some guidance? Answers to common questions should help.
Seis De Mayo Kickball Tournament
Are you quite a kickball fan? Haven’t played since you were a kid? Think your children will probably love it? Whatever the case, the upcoming Seis De Mayo Kickball Tournament is something everyone can enjoy, so come on out!
2 Things You’re Doing That Damage Your Teeth
You might be doing a lot of wonderful things for your oral health. You might be brushing as we instruct you to do, you may be flossing, and you might even be thoughtful throughout the day regarding little details to promote healthy teeth and gums. However, that doesn’t mean you’re not accidentally participating in some particular actions that can end up damaging your teeth. To help you uncover these mysterious problems (and similar issues), we offer up a couple things to consider, so your smile remains that much safer.
Optimizing Your Next Cleaning And Checkup
Of course, you’d love to sit down in our chair every six months to a simple, effective, streamlined dental cleaning and checkup that yields the best possible results. It would also be nice to hear that you’re taking wonderful care of your smile and that you’ve made our job very easy. While this end goal sounds lovely, you may feel that you’re not entirely sure how to reach it. No problem. We have some very easy to remember and accomplish goals for you that will ensure you’re making the absolute most of your professional preventive visits each and every time.
Tips For Smile Care At Work
Caring for your smile at home is easy. You can walk to the bathroom whenever you feel like it in a leisurely manner, take your time, and if you’re lucky, nobody is looking at you while you brush and floss your smile. However, dental care at work is an entirely different thing. Unless you’re fortunate enough to have a private bathroom, you might not know how to keep your oral health safe throughout the workday. Don’t worry! We have just the helpful tips you’ve been hoping to find.
Fun Facts About: Spinach And Your Smile!
Have you ever looked at your friend while you’re eating spinach salads and asked with a worried look on your face, “Is this making your teeth feel really weird, too?” Have you ever wondered if spinach is a superfood not only for your body but for your oral health, as well? If you have been nodding your head, you will enjoy some fun facts we have gathered together for you!
Keller Trash Bash 2017
Do you love helping keep our community clean, looking lovely, and feeling as though the way it looks reflects its true beauty? If so, you will want to get your name on the volunteer list ASAP for the upcoming Keller Trash Bash 2017.
Biting Your Nails: A Quiz
Do you bite your nails? Is it something that you do on an inconsistent basis? Most of the time, patients either bite as a chronic habit or they don’t do so at all. If you fall under the “chronic” category, it’s high time you learn more about how this habit can negatively affect your oral health. Don’t worry, we know it can be difficult to address (which is why we suggest you talk it over with us). As for the reason it’s important you give it up, we can walk you through the facts with a quick quiz.