If you’ve got little ones (up to 11 years old) then they’re probably excited as ever for the impending extravaganza that accompanies Easter each year. Back by popular demand, it’s the Easter Egg Scramble! Find your time slot and prepare to watch your children smile in delight!
A Quick Review On Tooth Cracks
If you have a crack in your tooth, it might be serious. Or, it might be nothing. From craze lines to fractures and serious breaks, there are many types of damage. Unfortunately, if you’re trying to diagnose yourself, you may be leaving your tooth open to further injury and possibly infection. As a result, it’s always in your best interest to head our way for a dental checkup. We can explain what’s happened to your tooth, determine whether you require any treatment, and then send you on your merry way! As for cracks that do or do not require care, consider a quick review.
Quiz: Are You Buying Your Best Floss?
There are a lot of areas of your life that require your attention. As a result, when it comes to putting forth a ton of effort when you’re purchasing your dental floss, you may be falling a bit behind. Who knew you could make decisions that could affect the effectiveness of your dental hygiene products? Shouldn’t anything in that aisle of the drugstore offer you what you need? Not necessarily. Let’s see how you’re shopping (and if you need some tips) with a fun quiz.
Quiz: Does Stress Affect My Smile?
You have probably heard quite frequently that stress can lead to a long list of potential problems with your health. It doesn’t just cause a headache here and there but can truly impact your body. As a matter of fact, stress can negatively affect your smile health, too. To learn more about how this may play out (and to get some ideas regarding how to avoid it), take our information-packed quiz.
Can’t Stomach Lactose? Try Our Calcium Q&A.
If you’re someone whose body simply cannot digest lactose, you may find yourself feeling a bit worried about how you will ever get enough calcium in your diet. True, you can take supplements, but it’s best to give your teeth and bones the vitamins and minerals they need through the foods and beverages you consume first. Fortunately, your oral health does not have to suffer (and the same is true for your gastrointestinal tract!). We have some helpful suggestions for dairy-free options packed with essential calcium.
Mistress Of Junk Spring Show
Are you something of an antiques enthusiast? A collector perhaps? Ever wish someone could do the digging and the searching for you, so you can have the best of the best finds to look through all in one spot? If so, you will be over-the-moon about the upcoming Mistress of Junk Spring Show.
Smile Care: Am I Too Late?
You might feel like you’re too late. You may have severe decay. You may have lost some teeth. You may even only be dealing with cosmetic issues like serious discoloration that has you feeling like you’ve missed the boat on receiving dental care. While we understand what you’re going through, there’s one thing to keep in mind: It is never too late! As for how to navigate this situation, we have some recommendations.
Hypertension Medication: Oral Side Effects
Does the idea of coming into the dentist send your blood pressure skyrocketing? If so, there’s nothing out of the ordinary there (however, remember that we offer sedation if you feel anxious). As for hypertension that is chronic in nature, it is best to take medication prescribed to you by your doctor as you seek out options to resolve the cause. The good news is that you will feel much better and you will be protecting yourself from directly related health problems. However, there’s a particular side effect of many high blood pressure pills that can leave your smile in less than stellar condition: The side effect is dry mouth. Let us help you deal with the issue!
2 Reasons To Keep The Toilet Lid Down
It’s one thing to argue with members of your household for keeping the toilet seat up. It’s another one entirely when you start discussing the lid. While this can certainly present a challenge, keeping that lid closed can actually benefit you when it comes to dental hygiene! Didn’t think you’d ever be considering toilet advice in an effort to protect your smile? Well, there is certainly a first time for everything! Think through some compelling reasons to follow such a tip … they might surprise you.
Protecting Your Smile This Spring
When spring takes you by surprise, it’s time to shake off the occasional bundling up and hiding indoors that tends to accompany winter. As a result of the sudden shift, you may be forgetful of some important smile protection factors that require your attention during warmer weather. Of course, you’re more likely to head outside and to work up a sweat than you are during chilly months, so take some simple yet important oral health advice to heart!