Q&A: Your Toothbrush

toothbrushblondewomanYou know that you are supposed to brush your teeth. You also know that brushing twice a day is a major component that contributes practicing good dental hygiene at home. However, do you know much about the type of brush you should be using for your smile? Or, do you simply feel like you’re taking a chance every time you pick up a new toothbrush from the drugstore? Find out a more regarding your best brush choices with a helpful Q&A session.


Tooth Loss: Which Tooth Replacement Is For You?

questionanswerpuzzleHow do you know if it’s time to replace your missing teeth? Well, the moment you lose a tooth, we always suggest you replace your missing tooth for a variety of important reasons. Addressing tooth loss is significant both for promoting easy, effective hygiene as well as for ensuring you keep your smile alignment just how it currently sits. Now you know that there’s no time like the present – but do you know which tooth replacement solution is best for your needs? Allow us to help you approach this exciting journey.


Essential Root Canal Terms

definitionAre you trying to make heads or tails of your upcoming root canal treatment? Do you find that the terminology is what causes you to stumble most as you do your best to figure out what to expect? Don’t worry – in addition to a comfortable treatment, we will provide you with the education you need for a clearer understanding.


Fillings: 3 Things To Remind Yourself


womandholdingfaceWhen you come in to see us for your dental filling, it is important to us that you feel comfortable, relaxed, and confident. As a result, we will make sure the area requiring dental work is numb (and that you have received sedation if we discussed this option before your visit). To ensure you are also feeling optimistic, we suggest that you ask any questions you have – and consider reminding yourself of a few reassuring things.


Q&A: Need Restorative Dentistry?

questionsanswerssignWhen you are aware that restorative dentistry will repair your oral health – but you don’t know when you might need to do so – reaching out for dental care can feel confusing. Fortunately, as long as you have a good handle on how often we suggest you visit us (and when restorations become necessary), you will feel secure in your ability to care for your smile. Consider some questions (and their answers) to clear up any qualms you might have about repairing your grin.


3 Surprising Reasons To Choose Cosmetic Braces

reasoncloudsThe reasons to choose cosmetic braces seem obvious. The future of a more beautiful, straight smile sounds wonderful to everyone. Making it to the finish line with the help of treatment that most people won’t even notice you are wearing (we use clear aligner trays rather than traditional wires and brackets) is often an extreme relief. However, you might be surprised to learn that there are some additional, very significant reasons to make the decision to say, “yes” to this orthodontic system. Consider a few new ideas if you are still making up your mind.


When Veneers Aren’t Enough

womanwonderingredWhile porcelain veneers seem like the ultimate answer to a myriad of esthetic problems with your smile, this cosmetic treatment cannot fix everything under the sun. You might find that your particular needs fall either outside the scope of veneer benefits or that you simply need more extensive treatment. The good news is that we are ready to provide you with alternative solutions to ensure you achieve the beautiful smile you’re after.


Dental Contouring: The Essential Steps

steps123markerAre you thinking that dental contouring is the treatment for you but you are not really sure what to make of this cosmetic option? Perhaps you are already certain that contouring is the service, which will allow us to remove esthetically displeasing spots of tooth tissue – but you aren’t certain how everything works. Allow us to take some of the mystery away, so you may continue feeling exhilarated about making your smile look that much more lovely. 


Doesn’t Everyone Qualify For Bonding?

questioncardsWhen it comes to qualifying for particular treatments – such as porcelain veneers – patients often worry about their worthiness as candidates. However, when it comes to more conservative cosmetic solutions like dental bonding, we often find that patients assume qualifying is quite simple. True, becoming a candidate for bonding comes with a shorter list of requirements – though it’s not for everyone. Learn more, so you feel confident about your options to improve the beauty of your smile.
